Everything that a workplace needs

Annonce – Dato 23 maj 2023

Internet connection, power supply, screen connection – the Mini Port Replicator bundles everything together that a workplace needs and integrates it clearly into one connection panel.

Internet connection and power supply

Ever more companies are moving away from the concept of fixed seating. Desk sharing, shared workplaces and open concepts with workplace booking systems are becoming increasingly popular in offices and in co-working areas.

The shared workplaces should nevertheless offer all users the best working conditions at all times. In the best case, without a confusing range of plugs or cables and without additional devices such as docking stations.

The Mini Port Replicator bundles everything together that a laptop needs

The Mini Port Replicator bundles everything together that a laptop needs. As a Custom Module, it can be integrated into a connection panel such as DESK 2, PIX, CONI or STEP. Once installed, the user simply needs a USB C cable to take advantage of all the benefits of the all-in-one solution. This keeps the work area tidy and free of cables.

In desk sharing applications, the Mini Port Replicator simplifies the utilisation of all technical capabilities of the workplace and makes all technical features available to the user.

In conference rooms, the Mini Port Replicator makes sure that numerous users can give presentations and share information whenever needed.

The Mini Port Replicator is a key addition to the Custom Modules from BACHMANN

The Mini Port Replicator is a key addition to the Custom Modules from BACHMANN – an exchangeable and interchangeable component that has a major impact on the neatness and aesthetics of the existing or new workplace.

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